Fashion is not simply a matter of clothes. Fashion is in the air, born upon the wind.It is in the sky and on the road. – Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel

Visual images of  labels bombarded big screens showing glamourous models endorsing brands to augment bourgeois quotient, some of these images have indeed been from the house of CHANEL.

Taking world fancy by storm, from the iconic jackets to bags and the famous Chanel No. 5 perfume, a fashion juggernaut  has proven that  Chanel is one of the most recognized brand, trusted and embedded in our fashion psyche for years.

History is made relevant here, as Karl Lagerfeld created with ultimate sartorial poise, the CHANEL look for men. However, a better chic muscle and a more powerful line is much needed to compete  the more popular Dior Homme.